Tell me about a time your idea improved the company in some way. How did you make sure it was implemented?

How to answer this question

When I was working as an Account Manager at ABC Company, one of my ideas was to improve customer relations by devising a loyalty program. The goal was to reward customers who became long-term clients with exclusive discounts and perks. I worked with the marketing and sales teams to design the loyalty program and put together a proposal to present to the executive team. My idea was well received and the proposal was given the green light. The next step was to make sure the loyalty program was implemented correctly. To do this, I took the lead on coordinating with the other teams and communicating the plan to our customers. I worked closely with the marketing team to create promotional materials and emails announcing the new program. I also reached out to our customers directly to explain the program, answer any questions, and encourage them to sign up. At the same time, I worked with the sales team to ensure they were aware of the program and how to implement it. I also worked with the technical team to develop a system that would track customers’ loyalty points and rewards. Once the loyalty program was launched, it was a huge success. Our customers were thrilled with the exclusive discounts and perks and our sales team saw an increase in customer retention. The loyalty
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90 seconds
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